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Author Topic: Five Flags of Power  (Read 4302 times)

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2015, 07:41:08 pm »
I believe  the fundmental issue lies in your repeated insistence that what we do is not PVP when you are not involved  in any shape or form. If I was a new player and was constantly reading that the only PVP action will come from being picked off at long range while picking berries, why would I even give it a try? Can you see how that could be viewed as discouraging to efforts to grow the PVP community ?

In regards to Hotrod I believe he asked questions regarding your policies for your new community. I may have missed a post in the thread and don't believe  he was doing more then that as Hotrod has become a in server go to for asking policy questions (Whether he likes it or not) and i think his question and possibly my misunderstanding is due to your instance that no PVP or PVE could have a base on the other side just reads to me as discouraging interacting. When I first came in to the server I was PVE, I experimented with both over the past few builds and have decided I prefer PVP. I have no interest in playing on the PVE side and all the experienced players will stay to there side most likely. If I was new however I would want to try both and why not? I should meet people experience  what both have to offer and make an informed  decision.

I have no issue with suggestions but again after looking at multiple posts your consitant criticism of PVP on the server, reads as a critism of the PVP players themselves. Again this may not have been your intention  but it does not change how the words have been perceived among myself and others in the server.

Well first off that is where you are incorrect. I have PvPd as most recently on this map. Prior to this map (2 wipes ago?) I even setup a CTF area (but wipe came before I could push it out, someone saw it forget who). I avoid it (cept in certain places) as this is not PvP.

Most of the time that is what PvP is here. People getting picked off at long distances. There are no great battles on a regular basis. Not saying there isnt one here or there but for the most part that is the truth.

You see I only PvP when people should expect it to happen. Crates and POIs. I dont shoot newly spawned players, I dont shoot people working on their builds, I dont shoot people picking berries, I dont shoot people 'passing' through,  etc. There is no versus in those instances. As such I would not want it to happen to me.

There is no problem with someone wanting to try both.... So the first couple weeks you build and try to live in the PvP zone..... after that you take a break and try a few couple of weeks in the PvE zone. After that you make a decision what play style fits you the best and make your perm home.

The issue I feel is the person that sets up shop in both zones and reaps the benefits of them both. Even If I chose to be on the PvP side I would still not want this to happen.

I even suggested a trade zone so we could interact.....

I dont blame the server nor do I blame the players. It is the game. This game is not PvP ready. As stated in another thread even the Kstones were a griefing deterrence. I haven't mentioned people exploiting their game to give them an advantage in so called PvP have I? I haven't said anyone sucks at PvP. No all I state is what is done in this game is not what I believe PvP is.




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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2015, 09:35:21 pm »
You don't seem to realize what you are doing, and now others are doing it also. Now I see others telling people there are "dicks who will kill newly spawned players."

I am weary of this. Enjoy your PVE server.

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2015, 09:46:28 pm »
Aknot has been around this server for a long time, and I have enjoyed our trade relations.  I fully endorse the concept of Woodbury and even send my support.  I go to Aknot nation for goods and some pleasant interaction, *not for PVP*.

On the other hand, this map is one of the first in a long, long time that has provided some actual combat engagements.  When the Zorg went on the latest patrol of GZ, we could see someone up on the ramparts, and in normal situations it might be considered "bad juju" to cap someone while on their own base.  That didn't stop Wisen from sending a couple bullets into Mr. Deep.  We kinda assumed the Obey would be on the prowl since we didn't hear any crying going on in the chat.  Things got quite, so we could only assume that a plan was formulating.  Therefore we changed position and I watched the north, which turned out to be Mr Trolloc, who got capped as he advanced (don't worry, he got me back later).  We then repositioned again, but having lost visual on our bogies, and then being outnumbered we retreated across the river, which resulted in some delightful engagements at the Zorg compound.

Point is, we go where the PVP is when we want to PVP.  AKnot is right in the sense that blasting someone as they are out chopping trees is just annoying.  That said, I'm not going to go to Aknot's base to look for PVP.  I'm going to prefer the place where PVP is assumed.  Yes it's annoying sometimes to get capped, but since we don't loot everything from peoples packs, and tend to show good will, it can play quite well.

Therefore you guys need to stop this dang banter back and forth.  Next build will have PVE and PVP sections, so let people determine their own poison.  As for now, the Zorg are quite content to assist the Obey in their hopes for PVP, though that may have to be delayed for a while as we formulate a raiding mission into the Pizza Party Tower.


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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2015, 06:53:05 am »
You don't seem to realize what you are doing, and now others are doing it also. Now I see others telling people there are "dicks who will kill newly spawned players."

I am weary of this. Enjoy your PVE server.

You mean enjoy my half of the server that is PvE? Thanks! I want you to enjoy your half of the server while PvPing. I am even going to try and supply the Zorg against you as a few other on the PvE side will be supporting OBEY. Pretty interactive thing we have setup should make for some interesting settings.

Dicks are people that kill newly spawned players. Im sorry that is just my opinion (and apparently others). Of course it is all based around how it is done and the tact used. I mean rules 6 and 9 cover that. So when one freshly spawns and gets killed within the time it takes for him or her to try and find food/water/shelter they may perceive that as Spawn Camping. Rule number 9 covers respect to other players and having fun and socializing. When you spawn and are killed before you even see your first zombie that does not seem like it is to fun or socialized.

Maybe if you adjusted your settings so you dont hear people halfway across the map (I know its not that far I tested it but you get the idea) you wont be so quick to rush out and kill someone? They might have a chance to loot a few items, get a can of food and water, type something in chat (being social) about needing help realizing where they are at and get out of a PvP area.

I mean it is not like these people newly spawn trek up to your building and attempt to break in. I mean if they do by all means shoot them. Heck I will defend your building if that is the case. Somehow I just dont see it being that way though.


This is what I dont understand. Come the great divide the players (both camps) will get what they want. Both camps will still be able to interact (I with Zorg, Poppawolf for example with OBEY) with each other if they want. Both camps in three directions will in essence have a world to discover.

I am respecting the split. If I go over to your place to marvel at its greatness and get shot by HotRod.... I will be irked that you didnt protect a high level dignitary but other then that I have to realize PvP happens in a PvP zone. I didnt just freshly spawn. I am not a new player to the server. I was not out on the PvE side picking berries.

What I dont understand are the people that feel the need to have a base in each zone. PvP or PvEr. I mean I can see hey I want to test this out see how difficult or if I can handle the level of PvP but to want to build a home in each to freely move between the two just makes me scratch my head. GZ will be a neutral/trade zone for the two factions so there is no need to setup an area in the PvE to trade.

If I were a PvPer I would question why people that clearly want PvP are hanging out 'over there'. Is Bill looting stuff safely over there to bring over here and try to kill me? Is Bill more or less building a war machine in the safety of the PvE zone while I am over here in the PvP zone fighting off OBEY while trying to loot a hardware store.....

If I were a PvEr I would wonder why Bill is over here taking stuff from the hardware store. I mean I wont (on the PvE side) be able to stop Bill. So Bill it appears is cake walking and taking stuff from the PvE side cause it is easier and he doesnt have to worry about getting shot by other players. Which in turn makes those PvErs have to go further out (away from the zone area to trade and interact with those PvPers) to get what they need to build and survive.

It just doesn't seem people are looking at this in a common sense way. I would NEVER run over to the PvP side sneak up on HR and pop a cap in him running back to the PvE side. However allowing people to freely move between the two areas is what this will permit and I will be within the rules (if it is setup that way just an example). So yes im well within the rules but seems like I was being a dick.

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2015, 09:40:36 am »
And this conversation right here is why every other game I have ever played is either PVP or Not PVP, no wierdness trying to split a map. Honestly I don't understand why you dont just have a claim of land for woodbury, have your pve rule within "town limits" and elect a sherrif who is cleared to pvp in the town to deal with the criminals? 

I also am going to chime in with people calling out dicks, spawn killing. Obviously someone hasn't played any FPS, such as battlefield. Madman can attest to me being a dick and spawn killing people halfway across the map with a .50 cal. Then again spawn killing is literally killing someone before they can even think or react, and sure as hell not running up to their body and putting food and drink in their bag.


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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2015, 10:02:02 am »
And this conversation right here is why every other game I have ever played is either PVP or Not PVP, no wierdness trying to split a map. Honestly I don't understand why you dont just have a claim of land for woodbury, have your pve rule within "town limits" and elect a sherrif who is cleared to pvp in the town to deal with the criminals? 

Really I have played other games that effectively split the game into a PvP or PvE by choice of the players (Warcraft is the first one that comes to mind). There is no weirdness that I can think of. You chose to PvP or not. If you go into a PvP zone you get flagged for PvP.

Again you have people that want to PvP and people that dont. With the ability to now (couldnt see doing this when it was a closed map) to give each side what it wants without either side having a benefit the question should be why wouldnt you cater to 2 different mindsets of players?

The town limits will not afford everything the PvE players needs/wants to survive. The same question could be asked of the PvPer. Why not stay in and build at ground zero (or other sizable city) and you people that like and want to PvP stay in there and PvP? Well because that places limits. With an infinite map North and South each gets what they want with no limits so I don't see the weirdness.....

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2015, 10:27:56 am »
This split has created toxicity in the server. I have uninstalled due to that, I say good day.


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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2015, 10:32:08 am »
This split has created toxicity in the server. I have uninstalled due to that, I say good day.

Sorry to hear that. However having two sides get what they want should keep everyone happy. This is why Im curious as to why people wouldn't be happy regardless if they are PvP or PvE.

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2015, 10:38:45 am »
I have kept silent through most of this. But, I have to say that I don't agree for a second that the split has created ANY toxicity. Arguments and disagreements happen. That is human nature. Some people resist change and complain. Others embrace it and try to stay positive. If it is a good idea, it will work. If it isn't, it won't and we will do something different. It really is just that simple.

Any toxicity is only a result of personalities conflicting, not the game parameters.


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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2015, 10:47:46 am »
Fatts is right. You don't see the conversations that occur also on the server consistently. The commiseration and pot-stirring and lobbying. I tire of logging on to hear so-and-so has been poisoning new players with how so-and-so broke rules or is a bad person or a dick or new spawn killer etc.

I log on today to see people who engage in PVP being slanderized and cast in a negative light.


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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2015, 10:57:11 am »
Fatts is right. You don't see the conversations that occur also on the server consistently. The commiseration and pot-stirring and lobbying. I tire of logging on to hear so-and-so has been poisoning new players with how so-and-so broke rules or is a bad person or a dick or new spawn killer etc.

I log on today to see people who engage in PVP being slanderized and cast in a negative light.

Report them and have MM pull the logs im sure he can. Then MM can direct his attention to those people who are calling people bad things and poisoning the new player base against the PvPers.

Especially the Slander thing. I mean that's terrible.

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2015, 10:59:21 am »
As I just said in chat just now, I will say here. I will NOT tolerate any player bashing here. If you have an issue with another player, come to me. Consider this a warning. Those of you who continue to talk poorly of another player will be suspended or banned. I won't put up with it. If you are guilty of this, STOP now. I don't want to hear any bitching if you go to log in one day and you find that you can't. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2015, 11:05:04 am »
Hey, I was wondering if we could have some sort of opinion thread on the split, something more or less official so that we can try to do what's best for everyone. Personally my solutions are very pvp biased as I do PvP but we have a lot of people like Aknot who only PvE interests who should have an equal voice on this thing. I was even thinking maybe a teamspeak sit down where we could all politely hash details. Just mostly spit balling ideas here. I know this is Madman's server but I know he wants what's best for everyone (Unless he's Skynet or something, which honestly he might be he's always around so watch out)

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Re: Five Flags of Power
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2015, 11:16:44 am »
I wish I was always around. I can't remember the last time I was really able to PLAY for a good bit of time, lol.

I will be introducing a thread soon with a draft of the new rules and we can debate the details there and then. The split WILL happen regardless of input though. Hate to sound all Dictatory (Yay, for new made up word! :P) but that is the way it has to be right now. If it doesn't work well we can always change it.

EDIT: Never mind. Just looked it up and apparently "Dictatory" IS a real word. Who knew?


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