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Author Topic: No Land Claims inside a town or city.  (Read 259 times)

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Offline MADMAN

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No Land Claims inside a town or city.
« on: June 30, 2017, 09:38:09 pm »
We are implementing a new rule. Land claim blocks are NOT allowed to be placed in any city or town! You may build within a city or town only if it is a PvP zone. The usual rules restricting building in POI's still apply. - http://kamcraft.createaforum.com/general-discussion/claiming-pois/

As before, do NOT place a land claim or build with 512 meters of a trader. This is to avoid the loss of your build if we need to reset the trader.

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Offline BayouBushwacker

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Re: Server is Up! New Rule!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2017, 10:19:00 am »
Just for clarity.........................does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city, or just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?

Can you still use a prefab (like a lodge or house) that isn't in a city?

Offline MADMAN

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Re: Server is Up! New Rule!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2017, 02:57:35 pm »
Just for clarity.........................does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city, or just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?

Can you still use a prefab (like a lodge or house) that isn't in a city?

Yes, and yes. You can land claim any prefab as long as it is not one of the restricted POI's and so long as it does not reside in a city or town.

Offline annuke

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Re: No Land Claims inside a town or city.
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2017, 05:34:23 pm »
Can I get some clarification?

"Working stiffs (hardware Stores)
Shamways (Grocery Stores)
Shotgun messiahs (Gun Stores)
Crack A book (Book Stores)
Pop n Pills (Hospitals and Pharmacies)
Red Mesa (Missile Silos)
Army Barracks and camps
Police Stations
Post offices"

The above POI's: No building or land claims in the North.  The South can build in these but put cannot put a land claim? 

What if we find a missle silo or an army barracks out by itself somewhere in the South?  We cannot land claim them?  Just want some clarification because it seems we cannot claim some of the best places....army barracks, silos.....


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Re: No Land Claims inside a town or city.
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2017, 04:07:59 am »
in the south u can land claim anything unless it is in a city or town.

Offline Alethea

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Re: Server is Up! New Rule!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2017, 03:25:28 pm »
Just for clarity.........................does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city, or just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?

Can you still use a prefab (like a lodge or house) that isn't in a city?

Yes, and yes. You can land claim any prefab as long as it is not one of the restricted POI's and so long as it does not reside in a city or town.

In the North,
(A) "does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city,"
(B) "just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?"

"Yes" to A or to B?

If A, how far away from city borders does the LCB need to be?

I want to make sure that I build far enough away that I'm not in anyone's way or at risk of having my base reset if a neighboring city is reset.  ;)

Offline Qikstart

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Re: No Land Claims inside a town or city.
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2017, 01:17:38 am »
A conversation I had with h0tr0d in the past was that he was wanted to avoid trying to specify every possible scenario and let people follow what would hopefully be common assumptions. Things like definitely outside of a road around a city. Definitely not touching the houses on the outside track of a town. Etc.

I think the way you said it would be the minimum - your LCB should not restrict anything in any town.

That being said, the safer assumption is to follow the trader rule - 512m. That way if they need to reset a town or portion of a town (which has happened in the past), you don't have to worry about your base being wiped. Personally, I'd go with this guideline.
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Offline MADMAN

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Re: Server is Up! New Rule!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2017, 08:41:16 am »
Just for clarity.........................does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city, or just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?

Can you still use a prefab (like a lodge or house) that isn't in a city?

Yes, and yes. You can land claim any prefab as long as it is not one of the restricted POI's and so long as it does not reside in a city or town.

In the North,
(A) "does a lcb have to be a certain distance out of a city,"
(B) "just far enough that it doesn't cover any buildings in the city?"

"Yes" to A or to B?

If A, how far away from city borders does the LCB need to be?

I want to make sure that I build far enough away that I'm not in anyone's way or at risk of having my base reset if a neighboring city is reset.  ;)

The best answer is "B" for now. But you can't go wrong with further. I am going to designate one large town permissible to build in/occupy this week. I had to wait for enough of the map to be explored to see where I wanted this to be. I'll push out a post when ready.

Offline Alethea

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Re: No Land Claims inside a town or city.
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2017, 05:05:59 pm »
Excellent. Thanks so much!


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