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Author Topic: Well, I Gave it a Good Try.  (Read 281 times)

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Offline MADMAN

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Well, I Gave it a Good Try.
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:33:14 pm »
I hate to say it, but 7 Days to Die has become an almost dead game. At least for North America players, when it comes to multiplayer server games. Obviously our server is basically dead. I don't know what to do to bring more people in. It's not just us. Not by a long shot.

While Steam Charts says there are over 40,000 people playing the game right now, the vast majority must be single-player games and/or outside of North America.

When you search for servers via the in-game browser (the browser can't be 100% accurate), this is what you come up with:

North America - East
190 servers, 19 current players!!!

North America - West
195 Servers, 10 current players!!!

When you search USA in:

I counted a total of 206 current players!!!

As for as ranked USA servers go, there's only 845 left, the vast majority of which are dead and offline.

Bottom line is this:

I'm spending over $50.00 per month of my own money for a 7 Days to Die server that is essentially empty most of the time. I had high hopes bringing the server back, but at this rate and can't see why. Very few people even play anymore. I really wanted this to work and I put a lot of effort into GZ Square. But the people have to show up and enjoy it, or what's the point?

I'm sorry guys! Truly, I am. It breaks my heart to be honest.

I just can't justify the money spent for so few players. I wish things worked out differently. I'll still be here in discord as usual. And my discord is always welcome to be your home away from home. I'm not going anywhere, but the server is. I can't throw money away anymore without reasonable justification.

Server will remain up until end of billing period, on September 24th.

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